Prayer Meetings
Noon Prayer
Weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:15-1pm, we gather to pray via zoom! For those who are working, join us during your lunch break. For those in school or at home, we hope you can join us as well.
Bring your burdens and be reminded of the God who wants to hear our prayers and works through them! And may we also use these times to exhort one another and fight the good fight of faith together!

Wednesday Night Prayer
Please join us for our weekly prayer gathering on Wednesday nights! Every Wednesday, we spend time in God’s Word and offer up our prayers, supplications, and intercessions to the LORD!
We meet at 7pm in the “Upper Room” (conference room) located on the 2nd floor of the Education Building. Once a month, the prayer meeting is hosted by a church member! Join our mailing list for more details.