About Us
“He is God; we are not.” How important it is for Jesus’ church to be reminded of this and to embrace His sovereignty over our lives! And as His church, we desire to make much of Him! As the Apostle Paul writes concerning the aim of the church, “we proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28) We realize we are eternally better off trusting Jesus than trusting ourselves. So at Faith Harvest, we seek to know and love Jesus, understand and experience the Gospel and be transformed through His redeeming grace on the Cross. But it is not just transformation for ourselves. As “jars of clay”, we desire to participate in what God is doing around us. There are many opportunities to serve, love, and build God’s kingdom in our surrounding neighborhoods, city, and overseas as a church participating in God’s mission. We have learned as a church that God is incredibly patient, completely trustworthy, full of grace, and infinitely smarter than us. And we are so grateful for what God has done in our midst and for all He has provided. We are also excited and hopeful for what He is doing and will continue to do. Whether you are part of our church, just visiting our site, or interested in checking us out in person, our prayer is that you would know and experience the Jesus of the Bible, the transforming power of the Gospel, and the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in your life!
Mission statement
At Faith Harvest, our mission is to be a Gospel centered, counter-cultural community focused on loving and being transformed by Jesus Christ, growing and caring for one another in gospel community, and building God’s kingdom in the world around us as missionaries Jesus sends out.
Gospel Centered – We believe that the unique Gospel (see in our beliefs section) produces within us humility and joy – humility because we realize we are so flawed and sinful Jesus had to die for us, and joy because we realize Jesus wanted to die for us in His great love. It is then this Gospel that keeps us from self righteousness and selfishness and releases us to serve others – for the common good of all people and for their salvation and growth – with humility and joy.
Counter-cultural – Because the gospel removes fear and pride, we believe people in the church should like and get along with each other in a way that people wouldn’t outside it. Jesus’ sacrifice and service to us when we were His enemies should produce within us relationships of service rather than selfishness. And as the gospel calls us to holiness in response to God’s grace, people within the church should experience relationships of accountability and discipline rooted in love. In short, the gospel should produce within the church a countercultural community different from any society around us.
Focused on loving and being transformed by Jesus Christ – Through Christ, our relationship with God is now one of intimacy and joy rather than hostility and fear. And it is as we fix ourselves on Christ that we are given new desires and transformed from the inside out. Practically, we believe this takes place primarily through the Word, worship, and fervent prayer. Through Scriptures, we are led to Christ as the themes in the Bible climax with Christ and His work of redemption. In worship, we can experience life transforming insight into the beauty and glory of God and worship Him in response. And in prayer, we grow to know His heart for others and the world around us
Growing and caring for one another in gospel community – In gospel community, we believe that the gospel is sufficient for anything we face in life. For that reason, in our relationships with others in the church, we believe growth and care ultimately take place as we bring our brothers and sisters to the gospel and its sufficiency for our lives.
Building God’s kingdom in the world around us as missionaries Jesus sends out – Through justice and mercy, the church shows that God is concerned with not only the spiritual but the material – the poor, the hungry, and oppressed. We seek to be generous with our wealth and compassionate in our service in our neighborhoods and wherever else God may direct us. And while God cares for the body, we also strongly believe He cares for the soul and people’s salvation. We desire to be a people who lovingly and wisely address people’s needs and hopes with Christ and His saving work. And as a church, we believe that we should be a community that attracts people who are exploring and trying to better understand Christianity.